discusses retention rate
of major campus organizations give Board members ideas
on how to improve TCU.
one hour to make their case, 15 members of Intercom, a
group consisting of the presidents of major campus organizations,
presented to the Board of Trustees Student Relations Committee
three ways to achieve one of TCUs ultimate goals
- student retention.
We began this semester working on this presentation
to discuss more than parking and food, Student Government
Association President Jay Zeidman told the committee.
Chacko/Photo Editor
Chancellor for Student Affairs Don Mills talks about
advising needs as part of an Intercom discussion
Thursday afternoon in the Student Center. |
money-request system to be proposed
Student Government Association has received a greater
number of requests for money from student organizations
this year than in past years.
new system for money requests from the Student Government
Association may be proposed sometime this semester, because
the number of student organizations asking for money has
increased over the last year, said Treasurer David Watson. |
Program rewards students, prof
lessons and standing ovations defined Thursdays
Honors Convocation.
of the TCU Honors Scholar Award, Phi Beta Kappa electees
and the Honors Professor of the Year were recognized Thursday
at the 42nd Annual Honors convocation, which included
a speech from Princeton University professor Alexander
Nehamas. |
images not out of line
of bodies necessary to show harsh reality
The decision of many newspapers and
broadcasters to show the graphic images of four Americans
who were killed in Fallujah, just west of Baghdad, have
caused distress among patrons who found the pictures too
Most of the news sources in question, such as CBS Evening
News, warned its audience that the images might be troubling.
The Fort Worth Star-Telegram even put an explanation next
to the picture of a charred body hanging from a bridge,
detailing its reasons for why it was necessary to convey
such images. |
do nothing to promote peace
with the anniversary of the war in Iraq over Spring Break
came the war protests. I think the biggest problem with
people who hold peace protests is their naivety. As humans,
we all desire peace, but in some cases, it is not the
way to approach a situation. I commend these idealistic
people who want there to be peace but that is just
not practical in these times. |
of cross country runner traces back to her home in Kenya
country takes on a whole new meaning for the womens
only foreign cross country runner.
to turn losses around
mens tennis team hopes a recent losing streak will
not keep them from re-establishing early-season success.
TCU mens tennis team hopes to use the past few weeks
experiences to help it prepare for its tough remaining
schedule. |
editors made me do it!
tanning virgin shares his dark experience
so many of my most embarrassing stories, this one begins
with me opening my mouth before thinking.
A handful of Skiff editors and I were brainstorming story
ideas for this page on tanning which is probably
facing your desk right now because youre busy doing
the crossword puzzle when it was suggested that
somebody who had never tanned before write a column about
their first time. (To go to a tanning salon get
your mind out of the gutter!) |
for tanning include beauty, health
the fact that the risks of indoor tanning, such as skin
cancer and leathery skin, are well advertised, an ABC
News report found that more than a million people use
indoor tanning beds every day. |