April 2, 2004 |
do nothing to promote peace
Earnest is a junior accounting major from Houston.
with the anniversary of the war in Iraq over Spring Break
came the war protests. I think the biggest problem with
people who hold peace protests is their naivety. As humans,
we all desire peace, but in some cases, it is not the
way to approach a situation. I commend these idealistic
people who want there to be peace but that is just
not practical in these times.
The Middle East is not an area based upon peace. Since
biblical times, it has been inhabited by hostile, warlike
people. It is an area that this country must approach
with much care and guard.
Anti-war protesters have great ideals, and it is their
right as Americans to demonstrate, but I dont think
it is appropriate right now. The people we are trying
to defeat hate us more than we will ever know. People
who desire peace think they are doing well by claiming
that our American bombs only cause problems. The truth
is, they helped deliver Iraq from a tyrant and using force
has helped disable terrorist organizations.
I think a lot of people believe they are doing the world
good by carrying signs around that claim peace. The fact
is, many people in these countries would throw a bomb
right in their face. What good is a sign when there is
so much hatred? There is a time for peace, and there is
a time for war.
Protesters also claim that they are pro-soldier, and they
very well may intend to be. But in reality, they are mocking
the work and sacrifice of the men and women of the armed
forces. They are thrusting a bad name on the ideals our
soldiers are fighting for every day. What do you think
it does to a soldiers morale when he hears of his
own countrymen disparaging his efforts to make a better
world? Although it may sound good to bring all our soldiers
home, without them fighting overseas, we might not have
a safe place to call home.
The bottom line is, you dont act canny and wait
with hope of peace when dealing with terrorists. Our country
found this out too late. A very pro-active approach should
be taken, because it makes no sense to wait until more
innocent people are killed. People disagree with the war
in Iraq, but Saddam Hussein posed a great threat. We tried
to take the peaceful approach for 12 years while waiting
for him to comply with Resolution 1441.
We have gone over there with goals, and have done a good
job in bringing democracy. There very well may be others
that rise up to hit us again, but at least we are taking
an active role in fighting them.
Peace talks are not going to do the trick because the
terrorists we have been trying to rid the world of are
not rational people. They would laugh at an American who
wanted to shake hands and make peace. The sooner people
figure that out, the better. |