April 1, 2004 |
Wait for the look
Hall is a junior advertising/public relations major
from Kingwood.
I have
a gripe.
This weekend while partaking in some down time on 6th
Street in Austin, a peculiar thing happened. Well, not
that peculiar since it has happened more times than I
care to think about.
Heres the scenario.
Youre in a bar, you make eye contact with a guy
across the way. Keep in mind this is accidental eye contact.
You see him and think, Eh. He sees you and
thinks, Opportunity.
I think you see where I am going.
Its like a hunt.
As soon as you break away from your pack of friends he
goes in for the kill.
Stealthily he makes his way across the crowded bar, manuevering
through tables and chairs.
You feel his presence, you sense him closing in as you
quickly make your way to the safety of the ladies room.
Unfortunatly you stumble on a fallen beer bottle. Your
moment of confusion allows the predator to close in and
before you know it he has you.
There you are. Stuck. Having to talk to this guy. It may
start out with, Whats your name? But
it always will end with you saying no thanks
or Im with her (although guys sometimes
like this, so while it may seem the easy way out, it doesnt
always work).
The problem I am trying to get at is that accidental eye
contact in no way means, come over here you big
If you are going to attempt to pick up a woman at a bar
you need to be certain she wants to be picked up.
Knowing the different kinds of body movement and eye contact
might help. And just because she is wearing a low-cut
shirt does not mean she is saying, Sure thing.
First thing first, never approach a girl in a bar unless
she has made eye contact at least twice. This isnt
just any old eye contact. If she is scanning the bar she
will probably have no choice but to make eye contact with
a few young men. If she lingers there, then you know.
When this happens and she has stopped her gaze on you,
the first thing to look for is the head tilt. Does she
turn it to the side a bit?
Watch her movements, how does she drink her drink while
looking at you. If she plays with her straw and sips slowly,
she is being seductive. If she chugs it down and belches,
chances are shes not the one youre looking
Next, before bombarding her with questions, slowly make
your way up to the bar. Stand a few people away and order
a drink. Dont order her a drink just yet. Girls
like to play this game, its called How many
suckers can I get to buy me a drink tonight? If
you do this too quickly she will lose interest.
Next, see how she reacts to your presence. Does she immediately
turn her back to you and smother herself in the protection
of her girlfriends or does she turn her body toward you
and wink?
The next step is simple, if she blows you off, immediately
forget about her and move on. If she doesnt, start
talking to her. Dont compliment her great body and
dont compliment her beautiful eyes yet. She will
see right through this. Talk about something else first.
Mention her friends and how they look like they are having
fun. Ask her what she is drinking. Then compliment, but
only once. What happens after this is up to you, just
dont appear desperate.
The point is, dont approach unless you get the long
lingering glance. Otherwise, just prepare yourself to
get shot down. |