Editor in Chief Managing Editor Associate Editor Campus Editor Design Editor
Sports Editor Features Editor Opinion Editor Copy Desk Chief General Assignment Reporting
Production Coordinator Assistant Production Coordinator Production Staff Graphic Artist
Photo Artist Web Editor Assistant Web Editor "Skiff TV" Web TechnicianIMAGE magazine
Editor in Chief Managing Editor Contributing Editor Art Director
Production Coordinator Graphic Artist Photo Artist
TCU DAILY SKIFFEditor in Chief
Hours: 3 p.m. until last page is done· Supervises all section editors and their staffs
· Hires qualified editors, reporters, photographers, copy editors, columnists and reviewers, based on experience and ability
· Conducts all budget, planning and staff meetings
· Enforces deadlines and meeting attendance
· Delegates responsibilities and sees that tasks are completed
· Evaluates all section editors and their staffs every other week; advises them when improvement is needed
· Does chief reads on all copy; compiles wire briefs and stories as needed
· Checks stories for legal and ethical concerns and consults publications director on questionable items
· Proofreads all pages before they are sent to the printer
· Meets regularly with publications director to discuss progress, needs, problems, budgets, training, evaluations, bonuses, etc.
· Purchases with the approval of the publications director and business manager any necessary supplemental materials such as cartoons, columns, photos, supplies, etc.
· Oversees payroll and salaries for newsroom staff
· Represents newspaper at official on- and off-campus meetings and functions
· Helps section editors on special projects and delegates responsibilities as needed
· Meets regularly with reporting and sports reporting instructors
· Takes story ideas, tips and concerns and responds quickly and efficiently
· Provides regular feedback, constructive comments and training for all staff members
· Contributes ideas and writing to staff editorials; takes a leadership role in forming editorial opinion
· Writes a column occasionally
· Leads staff by: thinking creatively with story assignments and projects; praising and motivating frequently; criticizing gently and respectfully; guiding by example in writing and managing
Managing Editor
Hours: 3 p.m. until last page is done· Supervises staff to assure schedules and deadlines are met
· Acts as editor in chief in his/her absence
· Attends all budget, planning and staff meetings
· Helps editor in chief with planning, decision-making, evaluating section editors and representing the newspaper at official on- and off-campus meetings and functions
· Checks sensitive stories for legal and ethical concerns and consults with editor in chief and publications director on questionable items
· Assists editor in chief with chief reads on all copy; compiles wire briefs and stories as needed
· Works closely with production staff and design editor to ensure smooth copy flow and pagination
· Oversees the work of section editors and their staffs
· Provides regular feedback, constructive comments and training for section editors
· Ensures section editors complete budget report promptly before daily meetings; prints out and makes copies of budget report for all editors; substitutes for editors at budget meetings when one cannot attend
· Helps section editors on special projects and delegates responsibilities as needed
· Schedules and manages special sections; works with associate editor and design editor to produce special sections; assigns stories and artwork; proofreads final layouts; works with ad director to promote special coverage and coordinates space needs
· Contributes ideas and writing to staff editorials
· Writes breaking news and investigative reports as needed
· Writes a column occasionally
· Leads staff by: thinking creatively with stories and projects; praising and motivating frequently; criticizing gently and respectfully; guiding by example in writing and management skills
Associate Editor
Hours: 1 p.m. until last story is sent to chief· Supervises the public affairs reporters, general assignment and senior reporters and assures all meet news copy deadlines; assists with supervision of reporting class.
· Plans and edits occasional series of investigative articles, including in-depth news features and special sections.
· Works with managing editor to coordinate writers for special sections.
· Generates story ideas with help of public affairs reporting professor and staff.
· Helps campus editor first read all local copy with reporters
· Helps copy desk chief do slot reads on all copy.
· Helps campus editor budget all news page material promptly before daily budget meetings.
· Helps campus editor with compiling wire briefs and stories and watches for late, breaking news on AP wire and local news
· Hires qualified general assignment reporters
· Takes story ideas, tips and concerns from general assignment reporters and responds quickly and efficiently
· Encourages general assignment and senior reporters to enterprise news stories
· Provides regular feedback, constructive comments and training for staff, public affairs reporters, general assignment and senior reporters
· Evaluates and meets with public affairs reporters, general assignment reporters and senior reporters every other week
· Attends all budget, planning and staff meetings
· Contributes ideas and writing to staff editorials
· Writes news, features and investigative reports as needed
· Leads reporting staff by: thinking creatively with story assignments and projects; praising and motivating frequently; criticizing gently and respectfully; guiding by example in writing and managing
Campus Editor
Hours: 11 a.m. until last story is first-read· Supervises reporting staff and assures all meet news copy deadlines
· Generates and budgets story assignments for campus and community news on a daily and weekly basis; secures coverage of breaking news; plans all other coverage well in advance
· Takes story ideas, tips and concerns and responds quickly and efficiently
· Encourages enterprising for news stories
· Budgets all news page material promptly before daily budget meetings
· Helps associate editor first read all local copy with reporters
· Helps associate editor with compiling wire briefs and stories and watches for late, breaking news on AP wire and local news
· Establishes occasional series and special features
· Works with managing editor and associate editor to coordinate writers for special sections
· Coordinates photo coverage with photo editor
· Requests creation of logos and graphics from design editor as needed
· Provides regular feedback, constructive comments and training for staff, general assignment and senior reporters
· Evaluates and meets with reporters every other week
· Meets with reporting instructor regularly
· Attends all budget, planning and staff meetings
· Contributes ideas and writing to staff editorials
· Writes news, features and investigative reports as needed
· Writes a column occasionally
· Leads reporting staff by: thinking creatively with story assignments and projects; praising and motivating frequently; criticizing gently and respectfully; guiding by example in writing and managing
Design Editor
Hours: 2 p.m. until all pages are dummied· Designs all news and special department pages according to space allotted by advertising
· Advises managing editor and section editors on layout of pages
· Creates logos and graphics as needed; suggests graphics and illustrations for stories and projects
· Works closely with production staff to ensure pagination is running smoothly and efficiently
· Attends weekly meetings with production staff
· Attends all budget, planning and staff meetings
· Contributes ideas and writing to staff editorials
· Writes news, features and investigative reports as needed
Sports Editor
Hours: 1 p.m. until sports page is done· Supervises sports reporters and columnists
· Hires qualified sports reporters
· Generates and budgets story assignments for campus sports on a daily basis and weekly basis; secures coverage of breaking news sports events
· Plans all known coverage well in advance: writes weekend sports event stories with second-day leads instead of play-by-play accounts; covers all else in next-day stories when possible without going over deadline
· Budgets all sports page material promptly before daily budget meetings
· Does first reads of all local sports copy with reporters
· Designs sports page
· Compiles sports wire briefs and stories
· Establishes occasional series and special features
· Works with managing editor and associate editor to coordinate material for special sports sections
· Encourages enterprising for sports news and features
· Takes story ideas, tips and concerns and responds quickly and efficiently
· Coordinates photo coverage with photo editor
· Requests creation of logos and graphics from design editor as needed
· Provides regular feedback, constructive comments and training for sports reporters
· Evaluates and meets with sports reporters every other week
· Meets with sports reporting instructor regularly
· Writes sports news, features and investigative reports as needed
· Writes sports column occasionally
· Attends all budget, planning and staff meetings
· Contributes ideas and writing to staff editorials
· Leads sports staff by: thinking creatively with story assignments and projects; praising and motivating frequently; criticizing gently and respectfully; guiding by example in writing and managing
Features Editor
Hours: 1 p.m. until feature page is done· Hires qualified feature writers; supervises feature staff writers
· Budgets all feature copy and artwork promptly before daily budget meeting; generates and budgets story assignments for campus and community features on a weekly basis
· Does first reads on all feature copy
· Enforces feature copy deadlines
· Designs page(s), oversees production and proofreads final layout of feature page(s)
· Takes story ideas, tips and concerns and responds quickly and efficiently
· Encourages enterprising for feature stories
· Coordinates photo coverage with photo editor and/or outside sources
· Evaluates and meets with features staff every other week
· Meets with features and reporting instructors regularly
· Maintains and updates contacts with local and national entertainment agencies
· Writes a feature story or column occasionally
· Attends all budget, planning and staff meetings
· Contributes ideas and writing to staff editorials
· Leads features staff by: thinking creatively with story assignments and projects; praising and motivating frequently; criticizing gently and respectfully; guiding by example in writing and managing
Opinion Editor
Hours: 1 p.m. until opinion page is done· Supervises columnists and editorial cartoonists
· Hires qualified columnists and cartoonists
· Schedules when columns and cartoons will be published; enforces opinion copy deadlines
· Does first reads on columns, editorials and letters one day before their publication; proofreads all other elements on opinion and etc. pages
· Designs opinion page
· Budgets all opinion page copy and artwork promptly before daily budget meetings
· Attends all budget, planning and staff meetings
· Contributes ideas and writing to staff editorials; assigns editors to write editorials on specific days
· Writes a column occasionally
· Provides regular feedback, constructive comments and training for columnists and cartoonists
· Manages "Etc." department: designs back page; selects local and syndicated cartoons and puzzles and coordinates their publication for the semester; proofreads all cartoons for appropriateness and tastefulness
· Commissions editorial cartoonists for artwork to stand alone or be packaged with columns on opinion page
· Manages and prepares Issues page: designates compelling topic; arranges two writers to take opposing viewpoints and a third to provide expert opinion; coordinates artwork; works with design or features editor to design page
· Evaluates and meets with columnists and cartoonists every other week
· Invites knowledgeable non-staffers to write guest columns occasionally
· Confirms validity of letters to the editor with author
Photo Editor
Hours: 1 p.m. until last photo is done and all cutlines are written· Supervises photographers and darkroom technicians
· Hires qualified photographers and darkroom technicians
· Coordinates photo coverage with photographers and section editors for news, sports, features and special departments
· Manages the darkroom: orders supplies when needed through business manager; keeps darkroom clean and equipment locked up; checks in and out cameras to staffers; assures timely film development
· Budgets photos promptly for all sections before daily budget meetings
· Maintains archives for photos and negatives
· Ensures all cropping and sizing of images meet quality standards for publication
· Advises and works with design editor on layout of special pages and/or feature pages
· Encourages enterprising for wild art
· Takes photos and writes cutlines
· Provides regular feedback, constructive comments and training for photographers and darkroom technicians
· Evaluates and meets with photographers every other week
· Attends all budget, planning and staff meetings
· Contributes ideas and writing to staff editorials
Copy Desk Chief
Hours: 3 p.m. until last story has been slotted· Supervises copy editors and proofreaders
· Hires qualified copy editors
· Oversees copy flow to ensure efficiency and promptness
· Maintains schedule of copy editors and proofreaders to assure adequate shift coverage and hourly pay
· Edits copy, writes headlines, checks for accuracy and fairness, researches background information if needed
· Helps associate editor do slot reads on all copy; assists associate editor and campus editor with compiling wire briefs and stories and watching for late, breaking news on AP wire and local news
· Assigns copy editors to conduct Purple Poll
· Evaluates and meets with copy editors every other week
· Provides regular feedback, constructive comments and training for copy editors
· Meets with copy editing instructor regularly
· Takes requests for Campus Lines and compiles them daily for publication
· Attends all budget, planning and staff meetings
· Contributes ideas and writing to staff editorials
· Writes news, features and investigative reports as needed
1. Answer all phone calls in a courteous and helpful manner with the following introduction: "Skiff newsroom, this is (your name)." If you do not know the answer to the caller's question and an editor is not available, take a message and direct it to the appropriate source. If you are not sure whom to direct the question to, leave the message for the editor in chief, managing editor or campus editor. They will direct the inquiry to the appropriate person.
2. Greet visitors to the newsroom and ask, "May I help you?" If they are looking for advertising, show them to the Ad Department (room 294). If you need help, talk to one of the administration staff in their offices.
3. Scan the Associated Press wires located in the "Skiff Editorial" folder in the "Skiff/Image Ed Server." Look for any breaking news stories and/or stories that you can localize for use in either the news or features section. If you need help accessing the wire directory, ask an editor.
4. In the event that a breaking news event occurs, you will be asked to pick up the story during your shift. If you will not be able to finish the story or it breaks at the end of your shift, you may hand off the story to the person coming onto the next shift, but you MUST consult with that person before you leave and take neat notes for that person. Additionally, if a brief, infobox or short story is needed for that day's paper, you will be asked to do it during your shift.
5. If a local television news show airs during your shift, please watch it and point out the major national, international and state news to the campus editor or the copy desk chief. This will help when they compile the news digest. Also, if you see any news that we may be able to localize, please point it out to the campus editor.
6. Finally, if none of these tasks is occurring while you are on GA shift, you may work on a story for the Skiff or you may do school work. However, it is very important that you maintain a professional role in the newsroom. Additionally, please keep in mind that anything may arise during your shift. Your time should be open to doing whatever your assigning editor asks of you.
The production manager is responsible for ensuring that the staff has a professional working environment, has adequate training, and has suitable hardware and software for the tasks at hand. As a role model, the production manager is expected to maintain a good sense of humor, work well under pressure, and exemplify a sound work ethic. The responsibilities include:
· Recruiting and hiring students to fill staff openings for production coordinator, production team member, photo artist, graphic artist, web editor, and assistant web editor.
· Oversight of production staff work in progress, its quality, and timely completion.
· Oversight of staff training provided for page production using Quark XPress, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, NewsEditPro, and other software applications.
· Periodic reviews of production staff performance.
· Training photo artists and graphic artists in the use of the computer software and production equipment.
· Acting as liaison between Skiff staff and vendors, TCU and other technical support services, and printers.
· Oversight of Web editor and assistant Web editor assignments.
· Assisting the TCU Daily Skiff editor and the staff of Image magazine by providing tips, assistance, information, and/or quality and design reviews during production.
· Maintaining all computer hardware and software and ensuring that safe usage guidelines are followed.
· Periodic cleaning of server and other computer drives, creating CD archives, updating applications, and related functions.
· Fixing immediate computer problems (server down, computer locked up, program crashing, etc.).
· Analyzing technical needs of student publications operation and making recommendations for planning and upgrades.
· Making information manuals and booklets readily available at all times for all software programs used by the staff/on the staff computers.
· Performing other duties as assigned by director of student publications.
The production coordinator is responsible for the smooth flow of work from design to final page collection. As a role model, the PC must demonstrate those qualities necessary for ensuring that the staff meets or exceeds the level of expertise required in a fast-paced work environment. These attributes include the ability to encourage and praise others for work well-done, to train and steadily enhance the knowledge of the staff members, and to exemplify those personal qualities necessary for success in this professional arena.
The job duties for this position are:
At all times
· Interview prospective production team members and make recommendations when openings are available.
· Establish and oversee weekly work schedules and time sheets for all production team members.
· Serve as production liaison between the editorial staff, the design editor/s, and the production team.
· Add/delete names from server for use with NewsEditPro.
· Train production team members regarding the correct text formats, templates and other rules related to the physical appearance of the pages.
· Serve as liaison between the production team members, the photo artists, and the graphic artists for purposes of page production scheduling.
· Assign pages to production team members for layout and finalization.
· Provide quality control for the physical aspects of all pages (such as correct type styles, gutter widths, text alignment, text styles, etc.) proofing all pages as many times as necessary during the production process.
· Oversee page collection, related documentation and delivery of materials to printing company (including but not limited to burning collected files onto CD, backing up those files to the LaCie hard drive, and copying placed stories to the Library server for Sonar software research usage).
· Oversee storage of Skiff issue printing archives with all photos, graphics, stories, and pages.
As Needed
· Along with the production manager, hold meetings with production team members (either as a group or individually) on a regular basis to discuss performance, understanding of page format criteria, short-cuts, methods of improving formatting of items (such as text wraps), eliminating large gaps between words, recent issues of the paper and other current topics.
The assistant production coordinator is responsible for the smooth flow of work from design to final page collection. As a role model, the asst. PC must demonstrate those qualities necessary for ensuring the staff meets or exceeds the level of expertise required in a fast-paced working environment. These attributes include the ability to encourage and praise others for work well-done, to train and steadily enhance the knowledge of the staff members, and to exemplify those personal qualities necessary for success in this professional arena.
The job duties for this position are:
· Serve as production liaison between the production coordinator and production team members.
· Train production team members regarding the correct text formats, templates and other rules related to the physical appearance and production of the pages.
· Serve as liaison between the production team members, the photo artists, and the graphic artists for purposes of page production scheduling.
· Assign pages to production team members for layout and finalization.
· Provide quality control for the physical aspects of all pages (such as correct type styles, gutter widths, text alignment, text styles, etc.,) proofing all pages as many times as necessary during the production process.
· Oversee page collection, related documentation and delivery of materials to printing company (including but not limited to burning collected files onto CD, backing up those files to the LaCie hard drive, and copying placed stories to the Library server for Sonar software research usage).
· Oversee storage of Skiff issue printing archives with all photos, graphics, stories, and pages.
Production staff members are responsible for the final preparation of pages for each issue of the TCU Daily Skiff. Staff members must be capable of learning how to use the necessary software applications, learning the detailed requirements of Skiff page design, and how to perform the work quickly and accurately.
The job duties for this position are:
· Retrieve clip-art, student artwork, custom graphics, daily crossword files, and any other files required for page completion.
· Place graphic and text elements on pages per designed Quark XPress documents provided (including art, mug shots, info boxes, see lines, jump heads, stories, jumps, photos, cutlines, weather, teasers, fill ads, etc.).
· Present pages for proofing and review throughout the evening to both the section editor and the production coordinator.
(Although a member of the production team, the graphic artist receives assignments directly from the section editors.)The graphic artist receives any necessary training from the production manager or by attending appropriate workshops or credit classes.
The graphic artist's work assignments are established by editors' submissions of Graphics Request forms. The completion of the requested work is supervised by the editor in chief, who is the liason with the editors and who determines the priorities of the work based on the estimated page completion times.
Should the artist be unable to complete the amount of work requested (whether it be by editor's failure to request the work in sufficient advance of need or whether it be by sheer volume of work requested for one issue of the paper), the editor in chief will have the authority to determine which artwork is most important and necessary for that issue and which will not be used.
By filling out a Graphics Request form, editors may arrange to have the graphic artist:
· Locate, prepare and save ready-made clip-art graphics to accompany articles.
· Prepare (size, color, save) charts, graphs and maps to accompany articles.
· Design and prepare custom graphic illustrations (with a minimum of 24 hours advance notice, preferably more).
· Design custom Skiff artwork to be used for elements such as the weather spot on page 1 (with a minimum of 24 hours advance notice, preferably more).
· Design custom artwork to be used by the Web editor for the Skiff website (with a minimum of 24 hours advance notice, preferably more).
· Once the artwork has been approved for use and before leaving each day, print 2 copies of each file and deliver the printouts to the assigning editor and the production coordinator.
· Also before leaving, place the completed artwork file(s) in the folder designated for them by the production coordinator.
(The photo artist receives assignments directly from the editors, who select and specify the photos and other artwork to be used with their stories in that day's issue.)The photo artist receives any necessary training from the production manager or by attending appropriate workshops or credit classes. The photo artist's work assignments for each issue are established by the editors. The completion of the resulting work is supervised by the photo editor and the editor in chief.
The photo artist is responsible for completing the preparation of all photographs as well as all regularly scanned artwork (such as cartoons) for each day's issue of the paper and must remain on duty until all photos and scans have received final approval for publication.
Editors may arrange to have the photo artist:
· Scan and prepare photographs for publication (sizing, color adjustment, cropping, saving).
· Prepare COBs and other stylized photos for use with special articles (with a minimum of 24 hours advance notice, preferably more).
· Locate, prepare, and save ready-made photo art to be used with special articles (usually with a minimum of 24 hours advance notice, but based on the current workload and time available for preparation).
· Locate and prepare clip-art or other artwork to accompany articles or information boxes.
· Prepare all cartoons, clip-art, and Internet photos requested and provide a proof printout to the production coordinator for proofing and reference in placement.
· Also before leaving, place the completed artwork file(s) in the folder(s) designated for them by the production coordinator.
The Web editor's assignments are normally budgeted 8 hours per week. Should more time be required for any purpose not described below, approval must be obtained prior to commencement of the work.
The Web editor's primary duties are:
· To verify each Tuesday thru Friday that the current day's issue of the TCU Daily Skiff has been uploaded to the Internet on or before noon.
· To review all pages which have been uploaded and quality check them for:
- content accuracy,
- correct links, and
- correct style (i.e.: correct spacing, correct photo and headline sizes, etc.).
· Design Web page changes (layout, style, etc.) as agreed with the Skiff editor in chief and production manager.
· To ensure that all links leading to the Web site from other sources are current (the first priority being those of all other TCU Web pages).
· To ensure that all visitors who have bookmarked an outdated Skiff address will be automatically routed to the new address if they link to the former address.
· To ensure that all archives of previous issues are not only accessible but may be easily located within the TCU online areas and that all outdated or incorrectly addressed Web site data has been deleted and replaced with a rollover script which links traffic to the correct pages.
· To train and/or assist the assistant Web editor in the use of the software, the guidelines for selecting and uploading content, and the daily requirements regarding archive storage and removal of unnecessary files.
The assistant Web editor's assignments are normally budgeted 4-6 hours per week. Should significantly more time be required for any purpose not described below, approval must be obtained prior to commencement of the work. The assistant Web editor's primary duties are:
· To upload the current stories, photos and cartoons for each day's issue to the Skiff Web site before noon on the day of the printed copy delivery
· To perform any additional additions, corrections, updates, etc. for the Web site which have been requested by the Web editor and/or the production manager.
The Skiff TV Web technician is responsible for preparing and uploading the video clips provided by the Skiff TV staff or its faculty adviser, Suzanne Huffman, and performing any other tasks assigned by the Web editor.
Editor in Chief
Duties will include:· coordinating the work of managing editor
· contributing editor, art director and production coordinator
· developing story ideas
· overseeing design and layout
· working with the printer
· coordinating publicity and distribution
· participating in production.
Managing Editor
Duties will include:· coordinating story assignments
· first-reading submissions
· making suggestions to writers before, during and after they work on their stories
· coordinating copy editing and proof reading
· participating in production.
Contributing Editor
Duties will include:· writing at least one in-depth article per issue
· first-reading submissions, especially creative work submitted by students
· soliciting creative work from students in various departments.
Art Director
Duties will include:· coordinating and assigning all photos, illustrations, graphics, and other art
· coordinating cover design, typography and layout
· participating in production.
Production Coordinator
Duties will include:· managing production staff
· working with art director on page designs
· supervising production details (continuity issues such as 4-color and spot color pages)
· participating in production.
Graphic Artist
(Although a member of the production team, the graphic artist receives assignments directly from the editors.)The graphic artist receives any necessary training from the production manager or by attending appropriate workshops or credit classes.
The graphic artist's work assignments are established by editors' submissions of Graphics Request forms. The completion of the requested work is supervised by the editor in chief, who is the liason with the editors and who determines the priorities of the work based on the estimated page completion times.
Should the artist be unable to complete the amount of work requested (whether it be by editor's failure to request the work in sufficient advance of need or whether it be by sheer volume of work requested), the editor in chief will have the authority to determine which artwork is most important and necessary for that issue and which will not be used.
By filling out a Graphics Request form, editors may arrange to have the graphic artist:
· Locate, prepare and save ready-made clip-art graphics to accompany articles.
· Prepare (size, color, save) charts, graphs and maps to accompany articles.
· Design and prepare custom graphic illustrations.
· Design custom Image artwork.
Photo Artist
(The photo artist receives assignments directly from the editors, who select and specify the photos and other artwork to be used with their stories.)The photo artist receives any necessary training from the production manager or by attending appropriate workshops or credit classes. The photo artist's work assignments for each issue are established by the editors. The completion of the resulting work is supervised by the photo editor and the editor in chief.
The photo artist is responsible for completing the preparation of all photographs as well as all scanned artwork.
Editors may arrange to have the photo artist:
· Scan and prepare photographs for publication (sizing, color adjustment, cropping, saving).
· Prepare COBs and other stylized photos for use with special articles.
· Locate, prepare, and save ready-made photo art to be used with special articles.
· Locate and prepare clip-art or other artwork to accompany articles or information boxes.
How We Began Administrative Staff Organizational Chart Student Publications Committee Advertising Policies General Policies
Student Pay Policy Job Descriptions Job Applications
Robert Bohler, Student Publications Director Bitsy Faulk, Business Manager Jeanne Cain Pressler, Production Manager