(Approved by Student Publications Committee Oct. 16, 1974. Revised Oct. 30, 1974, Nov. 19, 1979, May 10, 1984, Nov. 21, 1988, Oct. 5, 1990, May 10, 1994, and Nov. 15, 1999.)
Appearance of any advertising in the TCU Daily Skiff and/or Image magazine implies approval by TCU and compatibility with its philosophy. The following types of ads are not approved:
a. Ads promoting x-rated films or entertainment.
b. Ads depicting nudity.
c. Ads promoting any illegal product, program or scheme.
d. Ads restricting employment, services or products based on the race, religion, color, national origin, gender, disability or veteran status of individuals and/or groups. (Certain exceptions regarding gender may be made when compatible with federal, state and local regulations.)
e. Ads that may be considered offensive, embarrassing, libelous, untruthful or in poor taste.
f. Ads promoting the sale of pseudo-research or any printed or written material designed to thwart the normal educational process.
g. Ads that encourage the excessive consumption of alcohol. This policy does not prohibit the mention of alcoholic beverages in advertisements and does not prohibit the mention of drink specials. However, the type or graphic elements concerning alcohol or drink specials should be secondary to the ad's main graphic or typographic elements. All ads must carry the following disclaimer:
TCU does not encourage the consumption of alcohol. If you do consume alcohol, you should do so responsibly, and you should never drive after drinking.
The advertising manager of the Skiff and Image, who is advised by a faculty member, is the person responsible for determining the truthfulness, good taste and suitability of all advertising, consistent with the above stated policy, and is expected to consult with the adviser on any questionable ad prior to publication.
Subject to possible higher review, the committee will rule on any advertising matter in dispute between the student ad manager and the faculty adviser.
How We Began Administrative Staff Organizational Chart Student Publications Committee Advertising Policies General Policies
Student Pay Policy Job Descriptions Job Applications
Robert Bohler, Student Publications Director Bitsy Faulk, Business Manager Jeanne Cain Pressler, Production Manager