push for elimination of sodomy laws
Law discriminates against gays,
lesbians, some say
By Lara Hendrickson
Staff Reporter
of eQ Alliance, a gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender
support group, say while they are glad the Supreme Court
is revisiting the Texas sodomy laws in the case of Lawrence
and Garner v. Texas, they are hesitant to be optimistic
because it is not the first time the law has been redressed.
still has its kinks
By Bill Morrison
Staff Reporter
federal government database, which was supposed to be
up and running three months ago to track international
students, is not yet fully operational. Despite the governments
delay, TCU is on schedule entering students into the new
database, said International Student Services Director
John Singleton. |

Halasz/Photo editor
Elliot, an instructional technology specialist for Birdville
ISD, lectures a crowd on the benefits of hand held computers
Monday at the Dee J. Kelly Alumni and Visitors Center.
positions scarce
By Nyshicka Jordan
Staff Reporter
teachers searching for teaching positions will have
the same opportunity as in previous years to find employment
despite state budget cuts, area school districts officials
said Monday.
Williams to lead Skiff
By Sarah Chacko
Staff Reporter
highly experienced students were chosen by the Student
Publications Committee to serve as the fall semesters
Skiff editor in chief and advertising manager, as well
as next years editor of Image magazine, journalism
chairman Tommy Thomason said Monday. |