attend lecture on technology in schools
and administrators from the Fort Worth area were introduced
to the future of education Monday night in the Dee J.
Kelly Alumni and Visitors Center.
Murphy, principal of Watauga Middle School, told members
of the TCU Phi Delta Kappa chapter that handheld PDAs
will become commonplace throughout the field of education.
He said in 20 years every administrator and student
will have a handheld at their disposal, eliminating
the need for computer labs.
also said handhelds are becoming a bigger part of education
because they offer so much information at ones
fingertips that once an individual is exposed to it
they cannot live without it.
Technology Specialist Paula Elliott said handhelds are
beneficial to education and becoming more popular because
they provide students with a computer in their hands.
Brent Yarina

Halasz/Photo editor
Elliot, an instructional technology specialist
for Birdville ISD, lectures a crowd on the benefits
of hand held computers Monday at the Dee J. Kelly
Alumni and Visitors Center.