TCU Daily Skiff Wednesday, April 21, 2004
Frog Fountain
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Got pot?
Marijuana No. 1 drug used on TCU campus
Weed is readily accessible and prevalent on TCU’s campus, a survey shows.

Authorities say marijuana is the most common illegal drug used at TCU and a survey of students says it is also the most accessible.

In a survey of 700 TCU students conducted every two years, marijuana was the most frequently reported illegal drug used in the past 30 days at the time of the survey at 11.2 percent. Also in the 2002 survey, amphetamines followed at 2.4 percent and designer drugs, such as Ecstasy, at 1.3 percent.
Bong photo
Sarah Chacko/Photo Editor
No matter how you toke it, it’s still illegal to smoke it. Surveys show that some students aren’t just hitting the books.
Speaking of ...
Celebration of Community Service Tuesday
Raveen Bhasin/Staff Photographer
Director of Community Service Robin Williamson thanks Estrus Tucker, president and CEO of Liberation Community Inc., for delivering the keynote address at the Celebration of Community Service Tuesday night.
SGA passes a more inclusive election code

More students can run for student body president after a new election code was passed.
Advice may lessen student loan debt

Student loans can cause stress for students after college, says a financial adviser.
True Worship unites people of all walks

Bodies swayed to the gospel music that filled the room as Christians of all ages and backgrounds joined together for one night of worship.
Student ‘shorts’ to debut Monday

Student-directed plays in the theatre department showcase talent and initiative.
Student film full of karate action

Student-made film lights up the screen with special effects.
Abstinence pledgers have same rate of STDs

Officials say the university must provide information about safe sex.
Grade A fix?
Students who use Adderrall to study taking risk

Illegal use of Adderall and Ritalin should be among main concerns for universities.
Marijuana most prevalent drug on campus

“I’m not comfortable saying it’s not a problem,” Johnson said. “A lot more people use it than I’m aware of.”
Pot smoker lives the ‘high life’

One student tells when and why she smokes marijuana.
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