TCU Daily Skiff Friday, January 30, 2004
Frog Fountain
Skiff page design
Going 'retro'

Good fashion does not only apply to women. Men also need to be paying attention to what they wear. While walking around campus I can spot at least 20 poorly dressed males who are guilty of nothing more than having a poor knowledge of fashion. It seems no one ever informed them on what to wear and how to wear it. For these lost souls I have a few pointers for you.

Gentlemen, you must give your toenails some attention. If you make the decision to wear flip-flops even though it is 30 degrees outside, at least make sure your toes are not harvesting a yellow-like fungus and your toenails are not inching over the edge of your Reef sandals. The same applies to your fingernails, black grime under the nails … not cool.
John demonstrating good fashion.
Sarah Chacko/Photo Editor
Clean-cut meets casual: Good fashion doesn’t rely on polos and khakis but on the snazzy details. Wide-band arm accessories compliment any outfit without looking feminine. Pearl snap shirts and simple patterns add class to vintage style.
Fortenberry aids students in the fashion world
Little steps toward big success

Glamour and glitz.

That’s the perception of the fashion world. But it’s not all about designer labels, champagne bubbles and the overnight success of the beautiful people.
Have no fear, spring fashions are here

Women’s fashion today is indeed very different from that of last decade, or even last season. Fashion has become quite important to our culture and society, especially to college-age young women. Have you noticed the astonishing number of women’s fashion magazines that fill the periodicals section? So ladies, if you’re scared of becoming a fashion emergency — have no fear, because the latest spring fashions are here!
Stress of shopping leads to personal shoppers

SANTA ANA, Calif. — Christine Farino is a busy, busy girl. She goes full time to Chapman University, where she’s a junior. She also works part time as a real estate agent. It's tough enough for her to find time to grab a latte, never mind update her wardrobe.
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