bulletin board for campus events |
- Le
Cercle Francais will meet at 3 p.m. today in Bistro
Burnett. For more information, call (817) 257-6366.
- Organization
of Latin American Students will have an INROADS representative
as a guest speaker at their meeting at 5:15 p.m. today
in Student Center, Room 202. INROADS is a non-profit
organization that trains young people of color for
professional careers in business and industry. For
more information, contact Lisa Cano or Loni Reynolds.
- Amnesty
International will have a meeting at 6 p.m. today
in Student Center Basement, Room 9. For more information,
e-mail Lauren Kelley at (l.a.kelley@tcu.edu).
- KinoMonda
World film series will present Operation Y
(Russia) at 7 p.m. today in Sid Richardson, Lecture
Hall 1. For more information, call (817) 257-7292.
- Myths
of African-Americans Forum will be at noon today in
the Student Center Lounge. For more information, call
(817) 257-7855.
of campus events, public meetings and other general campus
information should be brought to the TCU Daily Skiff office
at Moudy Building South, Room 291, mailed to TCU Box 298050
or e-mailed to skiffletters@tcu.edu.
Deadline for receiving announcements is 2 p.m. the day
before they are to run. The Skiff reserves the right to
edit submissions for style, taste and space available. |