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Campus Briefs


Today in history
1989 — After 33 years
of Soviet rule, Hungary became an independent republic.

Tuesday, October 23, 2001

Alcohol awareness to be promoted
By Erin LaMourie
Staff Reporter

After being issued an alcohol violation citation, Daniel Herron, a senior political science major, was required to attend an alcohol awareness course. Herron said he now understands more about his alcohol limits, but he doubts other students are aware of the effects alcohol has on a body.
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Tickling the ivory

Anton Fomin, a Russian student studying for his piano artist diploma, warms up for a performance Monday in Ed Landreth Hall Auditorium.

ROTC finishes fourth and sixth in Ranger Challenge
By Sam Eaton
Staff Reporter

TCU Army ROTC teams placed fourth and sixth at the annual Ranger Challenge competition Friday and Saturday at Fort Hood in Killeen.
Thirty teams from ROTC battalions in Texas, Oklahoma and New Mexico competed. Teams from Texas A&Mtook first and second place in the competition.
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Breaking Tradition
Single mother starts organization for nontraditional students
By Jill Sutton
Staff Reporter

Mary Cunningham, a 31-year-old single mother with a 5-year-old daughter, said she has been looking for an organization at TCU that fits her needs as both a student and a parent.
After posting a message on TCU Announce last week, Cunningham has found at least 18 other nontraditional students who desire the same kinship.
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U.S. warplanes shift focus to Taliban troops
By Robert Burns
Associated Press

WASHINGTON — Shifting the focus of U.S. airstrikes in Afghanistan from fixed military targets to Taliban troops is a logical progression toward the goal of destroying the Taliban and the al-Qaeda terrorist network they harbor, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said Monday.
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  Science and Technology

Site seeing
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Follow one student’s journey through the virtual world.
Tour by Eric Elton



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