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Tuesday, October 23, 2001

Campus Briefs

Hillel Chapter sponsors Judaism speaker

TCU’s Hillel Chapter is bringing Janos Nanasi to campus Wednesday to give a lecture titled, “The People and The Book.” He will be speaking from 4 to 6 p.m. in the Student Center Ballroom about the history and roots of Judaism.

Nanasi is the former assistant to the director of the Dallas Holocaust Memorial Center. The lecture will include time for questions and discussion after the speech.

Inclusiveness seminar to take place today

The third annual Inclusiveness Conference, “Inclusiveness: Putting Thoughts into Action,” will start at 8 a.m. today in the Dee J. Kelly Alumni and Visitors Center.

Twelve speakers addressing topics such as gender stereotypes and religion in relation to the terrorist attacks will speak to students from six schools: TCU, Southern Methodist University, Texas Women’s University, Texas Wesleyan University, the University of North Texas and the University of Texas at Arlington. About 10 students from each school will attend.

University Minister John Butler said the goal of the conference is for each university to develop specific goals to successfully blend different identities on each campus.

Students’ belongings missing after evacuation

NEW YORK – A series of alleged thefts occurred at the Water Street Residence Hall while New York University students waited to move back in after the Sept. 11 evacuation.

Eight students have filed reports of missing belongings. Assistant Director of Investigations Craig Griffin is handling the cases, most of which concern jewelry.

A number of students complained of missing cash and cell phones, which may not have been reported to Protection Services.


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