TCU Daily Skiff Masthead
Wednesday, October 8, 2003
news campus opinion sports features
Staff Assembly recommends cuts
Tuition benefits still possible for dependents

TCU employees whose dependents are not accepted to the university may still receive tuition benefits at community colleges if top administrators approve a recommendation made by the Staff Assembly Tuesday.

Carol Campbell

Ty Halasz/Staff Photographer
Carol Campbell, vice chancellor for finance and business, explains TCU’s expenditures to the Staff Assembly Tuesday afternoon.
Booted up

Student studying

Stephen Spillman/Photo Editor
William Adler, a sophomore business major, studies at a computer in the Mary Couts Burnett Library for a test. William has taken four tests in the past two weeks.
Campus addresses diversity issues

The fifth annual Conference on Inclusiveness tackled the topic of diversity in a straightforward manner Tuesday.
SGA funds trip to convention

Student Government Association unanimously passed a bill at Tuesday night’s meeting to supply a portion of funds to send Alpha Epsilon Delta, an organization for pre-health students, to its national convention.

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