funds trip to convention
By Danny Gillham
Staff Reporter
Government Association unanimously passed a bill at
Tuesday nights meeting to supply a portion of
funds to send Alpha Epsilon Delta, an organization for
pre-health students, to its national convention.
Jennifer Hawkins, president of TCUs chapter, said
the university has 150 members and will attempt to send
24 members to the convention March 18 to 21 in Washington,
The bill was submitted at the Sept. 30 meeting by commuter
representative Sebastian Moleski, a sophomore international
economics major.
Were trying to get out there more than other
schools to raise our hopes and dreams to make it to
(medical) school, said SGA member Jared Heathman,
a sophomore biology major and Alpha Epsilon Delta member.
This money would boost success for TCU and allow
the numbers that we want to go to (medical) school.
The original bill asked for an allocation of $8,000
for the trip, but SGA treasurer Chris Mattingly said
the finance committee decided on the amount of $2,600.
We have to take into consideration a broad number
areas, including how much we have in the budget,
said Mattingly, a junior international finance and accounting
Mattingly said SGA has about $9,000 to give to organizations
each semester.
Its hard to justify giving all the money
we have to various organizations, Mattingly said.
With their program coming up around Spring Break,
and the sizable amount of their members, we felt a reasonable
amount they could raise on their own was around 75 percent.
Hawkins, a senior biology major, said she was pleased
with the voting results.
The event allows students to meet other schools
and people in the profession and get them prepared for
the profession theyre going to face in the future,
Hawkins said.
Two other bills were introduced Tuesday night.
Communications chairwoman, Corrie Lockhart, a sophomore
advertising and public relations major, submitted a
bill to make the communications committee a standing
committee in SGA. Moleski introduced a bill to equip
the SGA offices with new computers.
Both bills will be voted on next Tuesday.

Spillman/Photo Editor
Epsilon Delta President Jennifer Hawkins
presents a bill asking SGA to fund AEDs
trip to Washington, D.C. |