Tuesday, March 19, 2002

Judge sentences Yates to life in prison
By Pam Easton
Associated Press

HOUSTON — A judge formally sentenced Andrea Yates to life in prison Monday in the drownings of her five children. Some of her relatives, meanwhile, accused her husband of not doing enough to help her.

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Congressional input lacks from plan
Shadow government needs oversight from legislative branch
By Sam Eaton
Staff ReporterThe Bush Administration’s recent announcement of a secret government came prior to proper approval from the legislative branch, said Ralph Carter, a political science professor.

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U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney and his wife, Lynne, bow their heads after laying a wreath Monday at the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial Museum in Jerusalem.

Cheney takes more direct role in Mideast peace efforts, ponders meeting with Arafat
By Tom Raum
Associated Press

JERUSALEM — Vice President Dick Cheney took a more direct role in Mideast peace efforts Monday, urging Israel to ease economic hardships suffered by innocent Palestinians and calling on Yasser Arafat to cease all Palestinian terrorism against Israel.
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More than just a vacation
Students spend spring break serving in New York
By Anthony Kirchner
Staff Reporter

Doing things like laying out at the beaches of South Padre and skiing on the slopes in Colorado sound like an average Spring Break for a college student, right?
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Special to Skiff
Wendy Branson, junior education major, and Maria Adamczyk, junior speech communication major, sort through boxes of donated clothing at the Covenant House.


TCU Daily Skiff © 2002
