TCU Daily Skiff Masthead
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Tuesday, February 25, 2003
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Students should participate in International Week

Did anyone hear that loud banging coming from the Student Center Monday afternoon?

Patriot Act II merits alarm
Josh McDonald

As the focus of national attention draws ever tighter on the looming war with Iraq, a proposed piece of new legislation has activists alarmed, and rightfully so.


Letters to the Editor

Moudy is not right for à la cart, better places needed

SUV owners do not help promote terrorism

Scarce activism at TCU is alarming as the U.S. faces a potential war
Students shoud get involved on campus
Ashley Moore

I was a student at Syracuse University the day the United States was attacked by terrorists.


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Letters to the editor: The Skiff welcomes letters to the editor for publication. Letters must be signed and limited to 250 words. Only letters delivered via email or floppy disk will be considered. Letters must include the author’s classification, major and phone number. The Skiff reserves the right to edit or reject letters for style, taste and size restrictions.

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