the love
sure what to get that someone for Valentines? Not
sure if you should even get them something? Well, weve
all been there. Here are some last minute, rest-assured
ideas that will please him or her at any level of dating.
Valentines has always been more important to women,
so in light to that, more gift options are for them. But,
guys, I havent left you out! While having a plan
and being prepared is always the best bet, I know thats
not always the case. If youre in a relationship,
establish first if you are going to exchange gifts and
second, what kind. Its easy to say, Lets
just do something small. You want to have something
comparable to each others gifts. If a girl gets
her guy an expensive wallet and he just gets her flowers,
shell be upset and hell feel bad. Just be
sure both of you are on the same page. And guys, keep
in mind that this gift will set the bar for each gift
that follows. If youre with someone you want to
get more serious with, keep in mind that each gift after
this is going to have to beat the one before. Start small
and inexpensive if you can. Shell appreciate it
later. |
taken by Ty Halasz