February 13, 2004 |
to her: What to give
Catherine Pillsbury
or bracelet
Theres really no need to spend hundreds on her for
one day, but she doesnt need to know that! If youre
in something serious, six months (depending on the couple)
or more, and are sure youre the only one shes
seeing, a sterling silver necklace or bracelet would do
beautifully. Moderately priced ones can be found at James
Avery, which has a multitude of options.
For another in-depth relationship, lingerie
can be a fun gift for all! One option is to buy it for
her. If this is the case, know for certain her size, or
always go smaller. Another idea is taking her to get it.
Shell like finding out what you do and dont
like, and youll like the visual of whats to
come! Victorias Secret and Fredricks of Hollywood
are your best bets.
Flowers and wine
If its something new and you truly like her,
a mixed bouquet of flowers and wine is a sweet way to
say I like you. Call before going over and
mention you just have a little something for her. If she
seems excited once you present your gift, offer to take
her to dinner if not tonight, the next night. Usually,
last minute is not acceptable. However, this is a sweet
gesture that leaves you vulnerable, and she knows it.
If she doesnt invite you in, dont invite her
out! Flowers and wine from the grocery story are fine,
we understand budgets, just take off the price tag.
Make dinner
Every girl likes a thoughtful gesture. This is for
the sweet girl youve been dating anywhere from two
months on, who doesnt need reassurance through gifts.
A simple chicken breast or steak (yes, girls like steak)
with vegetables and a green salad would be lovely. Add
white wine (red with steak) and candles for a step up.
Dont worry if it doesnt come out right, imperfection
is very attractive. If youre really serious, strawberries
and champagne are classy for dessert, otherwise, buy (or
make) Valentines fudge, cookies, cake or whatever
you like. Besides, nothin says lovin like
something from the oven!
Dinner Out
Something easy and not as impressive, but still a
nice gesture for any level of dating. This will be a hard
last minute plan because most places have taken reservations.
If you try a place without reservations and you have to
wait more than 10 minutes, have something else prepared
to swoon her. Having to wait shows that you were unprepared
and didnt put time or thought into it. Dont
take her to a bar afterwards unless she suggests it.