TCU Daily Skiff Thursday, February 05, 2004
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Frogs announce official signing of 21 recruits
The 2004 football recruiting class ranks as one of the best in the state and the best for TCU in the last three years.

You can’t fault head coach Gary Patterson for being in such high spirits when he met with the local press Wednesday to discuss his 2004 recruiting class.

Patterson had every reason to be optimistic on national signing day because he was able to announce the team’s 21 newest players, consisting of 16 freshmen and five junior college transfers.
USC, LSU sign nation’s top football recruiting classes
This year, championship seasons really did bring teams the country’s most talented recruits.

College football’s recruiting race finished up exactly like the season did — with Southern California and LSU on top and everybody else chasing them. Only this time, there’s no disputing Southern Cal is No. 1, according to five top recruiting services.
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