TCU Daily Skiff Wednesday, April 21, 2004
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Your bulletin board for campus events
  • This week Junior Panhellenic will be hosting a clothing and paper drive to benefit Women’s Haven of Fort Worth. Please give any new or old clothing (in good condition), toilet paper, tissues, paper towels and other necessary paper products. The drive will end today. To donate, boxes are located in the downstairs lobby of your resident hall.

  • Want to have input in choosing the activities and bands during Howdy Week? The Programming Council Howdy Week Project Director is looking for people who are interested in helping and serving on a panel to organize Howdy Week. E-mail for more information.

  • The Oscar E. Monnig Meteorite Gallery will be hosting Jupiter Day from 7-11 p.m. Thursday in the Sid W. Richardson Building. Evening activities consist of telescope viewing of Jupiter and its moons, pelting Jupiter with a comet and much more. There will also be two scientific talks on the moons of Jupiter given by Dr. Paul Schenk, staff scientist at the Lunar & Planetary Institute. All Jupiter Day activities are free and are open to the public. Refreshments will be served. For more information, please call (817) 257-6277 or visit the Web site at

  • Can’t pass the MOS TEST? Help is here. Take MOS exam prep courses. Classes are held six times a week at convenient hours. Sign up at the Neeley Certification Office in Dan Rogers Hall, Room 138, or call Leigh at (817) 257-5220 for details.

  • A six-hour defensive driving course under the curriculum of National Safety Council is being offered from 1-7 p.m. April 29 and from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. May 1. On completion of the course, you are eligible for a 10 percent reduction on your liability insurance for three years. It is not for ticket dismissal. To register, call Hao Tran at (817) 257-7778.

  • Applications are now being evaluated for The Ten Star All Star Summer Basketball Camp. The camp is by invitation only. Men and women ages 10-19 are eligible to apply. Past participants include: Michael Jordan, Tim Duncan and Vince Carter. Camp locations include the following states: California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Maryland, Michigan, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, Vermont, Washington and Wisconsin. For a free brochure, call (704) 373-0873.

  • The Center for Writing is located on the top floor of the Rickel Academic Wing of the University Recreation Center, across from Moncrief Hall. Students who want to discuss some of their writing can stop by the Center for Writing or call (817) 257-7221.
Announcements of campus events, public meetings and other general campus information should be brought to the TCU Daily Skiff office at Moudy Building South, Room 291, mailed to TCU Box 298050 or e-mailed. Deadline for receiving announcements is 2 p.m. the day before they are to run. the Skiff reserves the right to edit submissions for style, taste and space available.
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