TCU Daily Skiff Thursday, February 12, 2004
Frog Fountain
Skiff page design
Ethics discussion deserves attention
Presence of sports figures worth attendance

It’s been a project in the works for the past nine months.

And tonight, following the work of TCU athletics director Eric Hyman, it is finally here. At 7:30 p.m. in Daniel-Meyer Coliseum, a collection of the highest profile names in NCAA athletics will gather to discuss ethics in college sports.
Editorial cartoon
Landmark ruling poisons politics

The recent ruling of the Massachusetts Supreme Court in favor of gay marriages has sparked controversy across the nation. In a 4-3 decision the court decided to completely redefine marriage, without the consent of Massachusetts’s voters or the state legislature. The prevailing view of marriage through most of history was cast aside and marriage redefined as either a heterosexual or homosexual couple.
Homosexuals denied a basic human right

Ever since I was a little girl I wanted to get married. I envisioned myself wearing a big, white princess dress, walking down the aisle getting closer and closer to living happily ever after with my Prince Charming.
Editorial Policies

Editorial policy: The content of the Opinion page does not necessarily represent the views of Texas Christian University. Unsigned editorials represent the view of the TCU Daily Skiff editorial board. Signed letters, columns and cartoons represent the opinion of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the editorial board.

Letters to the editor: The Skiff welcomes letters to the editor for publication. Letters must be typed, double-spaced, signed and limited to 250 words. To submit a letter, bring it to the Skiff, Moudy 291S; mail it to TCU Box 298050; e-mail it to or fax it to (817)257-7133. Letters must include the author’s classification, major and phone number. The Skiff reserves the right to edit or reject letters for style, taste and size restrictions.
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