TCU Daily Skiff Thursday, February 12, 2004
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  • English majors and minors who wish to apply for Sigma Tau Delta (English Honor Society) may pick up applications in the English Department Office, Reed 314. The deadline for applications is at noon Friday.

  • The Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) will have its meeting at 5:30 p.m. today in Moudy Building South, Room 271. Come hear Paige Hendricks, founder and president of PHPR, Inc., speak. Snacks will be provided to all who attend. Contact John Walls for more information.

  • Did you wrestle in high school or have any experience in the sport? Come to one of two interest meetings on forming a TCU Wrestling Club. The meetings will be at 5 p.m. today and 4 p.m. Friday in the University Recreation Center Room 105. For more information contact Joe Bommarito.
  • Mortar Board, a senior National Honor Society that recognizes students for leadership, scholarship and service, is now accepting applications. Students can pick up applications at the information desk in the Student Center.
Announcements of campus events, public meetings and other general campus information should be brought to the TCU Daily Skiff office at Moudy Building South, Room 291, mailed to TCU Box 298050 or e-mailed. Deadline for receiving announcements is 2 p.m. the day before they are to run. the Skiff reserves the right to edit submissions for style, taste and space available.
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