TCU Daily Skiff Tuesday, January 27, 2004
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Sunday night attracts more listeners
Radio hosts receive better feedback after change in show
KTCU’s “The Good Show” brings in a larger audience and local flavor thanks to show’s time change.

More listeners are turning into KTCU’s, “The Good Show” now that it has moved to Sunday nights. Hosts Tom Urquhart and Chris Bellomy switched from their Saturday morning slot to attract more local artists and a bigger audience.
And get more sleep.

“Basically we are sharper because we are not up at the crack of dawn,” Urquhart said. “We’ve had a positive response and now we can finally sleep in.”
Tom Urquhart
Ty Halasz/Staff Photographer
TCU graduate Tom Urquhart hosts his specialty show, “The Good Show,” Sunday night in the KTCU on-air studio in Moudy Building South.
Candidate emphasizes academics at forum
Faculty members get an idea of how candidate Michael Mezey would affect the university.

Provost candidate Michael Mezey highlighted the importance of the university’s commitment to the liberal arts, citizenship and leadership in an open forum for faculty and staff Monday.
Young students get glimpse of TCU’s entrepreneur school
The Ryffel Center brought together several high school students Sunday and Monday.

The entrepreneurs at the Ryffel Center have invented a way to recruit students during TCU Young Entrepreneur Days.
Part of Patriot Act overturned by courts
A Federal judge says the wording of a passage involving expert advice to terrorist groups is too vague.

LOS ANGELES — For the first time, a federal judge has declared unconstitutional a section of the USA Patriot Act that bars giving expert advice or assistance to groups designated foreign terrorist organizations.
Modern film helps aid students in Bible study
The Bible meets Hollywood as University Ministries presents a series about the Gospel of John.

University Ministries is using clips from the recent film “The Gospel of John” to present a Bible study focused on the Gospel today.
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