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Wednesday, November 28, 2001

Possible tuition hike to mirror economic trends
By Sarah McClellan
Staff Reporter

Calculations show tuition will increase $900 to $1,200 per year for students on the flat rate plan and $25.20 to $33.60 per credit hour for other students, based on 2001 tuition rates, if a 6 to 8 percent tuition hike is instituted.
Carol Campbell, vice chancellor of finance, said she couldn’t comment on exact dollar amounts for tuition increases, but said a 6 percent to 8 percent increase is likely. Campbell said undergraduate tuition increases between 4 percent and 6 percent each year if the economy is stable.
“We’ve just begun the budget process,” she said. “It’s too soon to give exact numbers.”
Campbell said a dollar amount will not be given until after January.
The possible increase is based on an average of the endowment’s earnings for the past 12 quarters, the last of which will end Dec. 31, Campbell said.

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Season of giving

Residents of Jarvis Hall make potpourrie sachets as gifts for women at the Tarrant County Women’s Haven Tuesday night.


Spiritual Sacrifice
By Heather Christie
Staff Reporter

Uzair Muhammad, a senior computer science and math major, said the two things that stick out in his mind of celebrating Ramadan in Pakistan are going to the mosque for prayers, tarawih, every night for three hours straight and the celebrations of breaking the fast at the end of the month.
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