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Tuesday, November 27, 2001

Jons Grille owner dies Saturday
By Erin LaMourie
Staff Reporter

Jons Grille, a popular restaurant and hang out for students and faculty for more than a decade, is closed indefinitely following the death of the owner Saturday.
Restaurant owner Jon Meyerson, 52, died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound at his home, according to the Tarrant County Medical Examiner’s report.

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Roddy Lowrie, junior criminal justice major, looks at flowers and a wreath displayed in front of Jons Grille. The restaurant has been closed since Saturday due to the death of the owner, Jon Meyerson. No timetable has been set up for the re-opening of the restaurant.

Purple Poll

Hands on

Correy Jefferson, a sophomore art education major and Doug Sharkey, a junior nutrition major check out Kerrie Conover’s piece “I’m a million different people from one day to the next” at the Bachelor of Fine Arts Senior Exhibition in the exhibition hall in Moudy North Monday. The show will be on
until November 30.




Winter Gear
A variety of coat styles are available to keep consumers warm
By Antoinette Vega
Skiff Staff

One day it feels like a blizzard outside, and the next it feels like a desert.
Texas weather is known for going from one extreme to the next. The temperature is often unpredictable and it is hard enough deciding what to wear while getting dressed in the morning, let alone deciding on the kind of winter jacket to buy. This is especially true for students from states other than Texas.
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