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facts about J.K.Rowling

Thursday, November 15, 2001

Library to hold social
By Laura McFarland
Skiff Staff

The Friends of the TCU Library invite all muggles (non-magical people, that is) to a Harry Potter social at 3 p.m. Saturday in the Great Reading Room in the Mary Couts Burnett Library.

Terri Chanlatte, assistant university accountant, said the event will feature a speech by Jeff Guinn, books editor and senior writer at the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, about the J.K. Rowling Harry Potter series that has captured the hearts and imaginations of people everywhere.

Guinn said his speech, “Harry Potter and Frodo and the Wart,” will be about the similarities between the themes of the Harry Potter books and T. H. White’s “The Once and Future King” and J. R. R. Tolkien’s “The Lord of the Rings.”

“There have been certain themes in literature for young people that have always seemed to have certain appeal,” Guinn said. “It’s got magic, adventure and a young person having to be the hero, to be brave. These are the kinds of things that always appeal to kids. At certain ages, we faintly believe it’s still possible to wave a wand and see something happen.”

Harry Potter is such a popular series because it has all of the elements that have caused crazes before, Guinn said.

“There’s always a wizard involved. There’s good magic and bad magic. Usually the main character is male, has lost parents and is living with an uncle or step-uncle,” Guinn said. “So Rowling has very cleverly plugged right into a story that’s worked before and will always work again.”

Although the books will be the main focus of the speech, Guinn said he will talk about the upcoming movies, as well.

“I’m always concerned about kids going to see movies based on books they love, because when you read a book and you love it, in your own mind, you have the images exactly the way you like them. The characters look the way you want them to,” Guinn said. “When you go see a movie, no matter how good it is, you’re seeing the director’s vision.”

Chanlatte, who organized publicity for the social, said the goal of the event is to increase membership in The Friends of the TCU Library by promoting the group to the TCU community. The Friends are an auxiliary group that provides programs and activities for the Fort Worth Community and the library.

The event will also feature a reading from “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” by retired reference librarian Bill Farrington who will be dressed in a wizard costume.

Chanlatte said Hogwart’s refreshments will be available and there will be Harry Potter door prizes including a complete hardback book set, Christmas ornaments and a Harry Potter stocking holder.


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