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Student Government
Election Results

Chelsea Hudson 1,141
Matt Colglazier 553
Brad Biggs 104

Vice President of the House of Student Representatives
Run-off between Abby Crawford
and John Billingsley

Vice President of the
Programming Council

Stephanie Zimmer 1,155
Melissa Nabors 636

Brad Thompson 1,119
Todd Clower 620

George Peyton 1,626

Wednesday, November 14, 2001

Students elect Hudson by overwhelming majority
Run-off election for House VP scheduled for Thursday between candidates John Billingsley and Abby Crawford
By Kristin Delorantis
Staff Reporter

Chelsea Hudson said the phone rang and her heart dropped. She walked to the phone, knowing the person on the other end would have the results that could change her life forever, she said.


Chrislie Knott voted Tuesday for Student Government Association representatives over the Internet in the Mary Couts Burnett Library.

Hudson, a junior political science major, will serve as president of the Student Government Association beginning January 2002. She received 1,141 votes.

Opposing presidential candidates Matt Colglazier and Brad Biggs received 553 and 104 votes, respectively.

Hudson said during the campaign she gathered a list of 20 major issues she will confront as president such as extending the hours in The Main, having professor evaluations available online when students register, reverting loading zones back into parking spaces and allowing freshman to park on campus during the weekend.

The new vice president of Programming Council is Stephanie Zimmer, a marketing major, with 1,155 votes. Her opponent, Melissa Nabors, received 636 votes.

Sophomore radio-TV-film major Brad Thompson won the SGA Secretary post, receiving 1,119 votes. He ran against Todd Clower, who received 620 votes.

George Peyton, a sophomore business major, ran unopposed for SGA Treasurer and received 1,626 votes.

A run-off election will be held online between Abby Crawford and John Billingsley for vice president of the House of Student Representatives 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Thursday.

The two candidates are allowed an additional $50 to campaign in the run-off.

Crawford said she is very satisfied with the voter turnout this year and is impressed with the student body for not using apathy as an excuse.

This year 1,758 students voted, an increase of more than 400 students last year when 1,330 students voted.

Billingsley said he will do everything he can to inform the student body that there is another election since voter turnout for a run-off election is naturally low.

Thompson said he is honored to serve the student body and is excited about the possibilities in SGA. He said he wants to make SGA more visible on campus and will listen to student concerns even if it means going to every meeting of every organization on campus.

Zimmer said she will be spending a lot of time over the rest of the semester with former Vice President of PC Sara Komenda to get accustomed to the position and it will take a lot of preparation to fulfill her duties.

Kristin Delorantis


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