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Wednesday, November 14, 2001

Campus Briefs
Student body to vote on SGA fees, fund disbursal

Students will vote Nov. 29 on the bill passed by the House of Representatives Tuesday night to increase Student Government Association fees from $20 to $25 for incoming fall 2002 students and subsequent incoming classes, SGA Secretary Allyson Cross said.

Students will also vote on another bill which would change the SGA Constitution to allot 55 percent of the Student Body Fund to the Programming Council, 34 percent to the House and 11 percent to the SGA as a whole.

The Constitution currently allocates 60 percent of the fund to the PC and 40 percent to the House.

The House will promote the two bills to the student body for 10 school days before voting begins. The House is discussing whether voting will be conducted online or through paper ballots, Cross said.


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