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Today in history
1956 - Elvis Presley hit the charts with “Love Me.” The song was the first million-seller to make the charts without being released as a single.

Wednesday, November 7, 2001

C-USA might disband, athletics administrators say
By Rusty Simmons
Skiff Staff

TCU was left behind when Texas, Texas A&M, Baylor and Texas Tech bolted from the now-defunct Southwest Conference in 1994.

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Book worms

David Dunai/Senior Photographer
John Hart, a junior business major (front) and Courtney Roach, a senior broadcast journalism major study in the library Tuesday night.

Campus briefs
SGA to host forum Thursday about parking

College briefs
Med school applications fall for fifth straight year


UCC closes parking lot to TCU
By Kristin Campbell
Staff Reporter

TCU students, faculty and staff looking for a parking space in the University Christian Church parking lot on the southwest corner of McPherson and Rogers Avenues might have to continue their search elsewhere.

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Bush: Terrorists are seeking nuclear weapons
By Scott Lindlaw
Associated Press

WASHINGTON — President Bush on Tuesday compared Afghanistan’s terrorist-harboring regime and its “mad global ambitions” to the totalitarian leaders who enslaved Europe for much of the last century.
He asked Europe’s new leadership to join his anti-terrorism campaign.

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Opportunity Knocks
By Erin LaMourie
Staff Reporter

While many students have not made plans beyond winter break, Aimee Lavoie is already thinking about her summer. Her summer plans don’t include laying out on the beach soaking in the sun. Instead she is looking for the ideal summer internship. She is preparing her résumé and looking for the perfect opportunity that may appear.
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Want an internship?

Here is a list of internship advisers by
department that can be helpful in your hunt for the perfect internship.



The TCU Daily Skiff © 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001
