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Tuesday, November 6, 2001

Tubbs to step down after end of season
By Matt Stiver
Skiff Staff

The Texas heat had yet to burn off the early morning fog as men’s basketball coach Billy Tubbs, as he does every morning, fired golf balls into the gloaming from a driving range Monday morning. Nothing had changed, he insists, and nothing will.
“The bad thing is, when I hit them, I could see where they landed,” Tubbs said.
A different sort of heat finally evaporated Tubbs’ coaching tenure at TCU.
Citing the effects of rumors and a lack of support from university officials, Tubbs announced his resignation Monday from TCU effective at the end of the 2001-2002 season.

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Erin Munger/Photo editor
Head men’s basketball coach Billy Tubbs announced he would resign at the end of the season in a quickly called press conference. Tubbs said rumors surrounding the program about his job security had finally taken a toll on him.

Purple poll

Touching up

Kristy Laurent, a sophomore art education major, paints a still life in the painting lab in Moudy North Monday.

TCU student leaving D.C. internship early
By Aaron Chimbel
Staff Reporter

Senior finance major Sally Spencer hoped to learn about the legislative process as an intern in Congresswoman Kay Granger’s Washington office this semester, but the events of Sept. 11 and subsequent anthrax scares have her packing to come home.
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  Science and Technology

DVD killed the Video Star
By Tamara Chuang and Stephen Lynch
KnightRidder Tribune

Perhaps you bought one because the price dropped below $200. Or maybe it was a trip to the local video store, where the format has gobbled up shelf space. Then again, it could be that the title you’ve been waiting for — “The Godfather” or “Snow White” — was finally remastered and released.
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Rewriteable DVD player not mainstream
By Tamara Chuang
Knight Ridder Tribune

If you still haven’t figured out how to set the clock on your VCR, you’re not ready.

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DVD Future releases


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