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Today in history

1984 — India’s Indira Ghandi was assassinated by her security guards, two Sikh men. Her position as prime minister was filled by her son, Rajiv.

Wednesday, October 31, 2001

No anthrax in suspicious letter; 2 similar mailings found
By Erin LaMourie
Staff Reporter

The suspicious letter received Monday that temporarily evacuated the radio-TV-film department and the TCU Post Office tested negative for anthrax and is believed to have been sent from a woman in Pennsylvania, Bob Adams, Fort Worth U.S. Postal Inspector said Tuesday.

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Additional anthrax cases raise concerns
By Paul Recer
Associated Press

WASHINGTON — A New York woman believed suffering from anthrax struggled for her life Tuesday, triggering fresh concerns the disease was spreading beyond the intersection of the postal service and the news media. Postmaster General John Potter said several billion dollars will be needed to safeguard the nation’s mail system.
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Falling short

David Dunai/Senior photographer

Junior linebacker LaMarcus McDonald attempts to tackle running back Art Brown Tuesday night at Amon Carter Stadium. The Frogs comeback was stifled and they lost 37-30.

Tuesday treats


Abby Parker, 2, and Shelby Parker, 5, bring in a bag full of candy from the Frog Alley trick-or-treat festivities during the football game Tuesday.


Second half rally not enough as Pirates drop Horned Frogs
By Brandon Ortiz
Sports Editor

Perhaps Pirate defensive tackle Ty Hunt said it best as he walked off the field of Amon Carter Stadium at the end of Tuesday’s game.

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Defense deal could bring benefits to UTA
By Matt Ward
The Shorthorn

ARLINGTON (U-WIRE) — The University of Texas at Arlington’s College of Engineering could soon realize some big benefits from last week’s announcement that Lockheed Martin Corp. was chosen to build the new Joint Strike Fighter for the United States and its military allies, university officials said Monday.
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  Arts and Entertainment
Local places said to be haunted
Reports of paranormal activity in area

Tired of the fake gore and masks that are expected of the many haunted houses that pop up across the city during Halloween? Maybe this year you should venture out into the Metroplex to a spot that has been reported to experience paranormal activity. Here is a list of local haunts that can help make your Halloween something to remember. The following are reports from the Web site and may not necessarily be confirmed.
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Ghostly plantation
By James Zwilling
Staff Reporter

Halloween is just another day of the year for restaurant proprietors Melissa and Tom Baker.

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