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Friday, October 26, 2001

Campus Briefs

Red Ribbon breakfast held Dee J. Kelly Center

TCU is hosting the Greater Tarrant County Red Ribbon Week Celebration Breakfast 9 a.m. today at the Dee J. Kelly Center.

Various state and community leaders will attend — along with alcohol and drug prevention providers from the community.

Senator Mike Moncrief will be the guest speaker at the breakfast. Entertainment will be provided by Forth Worth Independent School District elementary and high school students.

Red Ribbon Week, in conjunction with national Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week, is celebrated nationally this week to bring awareness of prevention of substance abuse.

Muslim, Christian debate draws crowd at Penn St.

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa.— Students, faculty and university police gathered in front of Willard Building yesterday afternoon to listen and react to the words of Jed Smock, a Christian brother.

Smock said he has traveled around the country, preaching at different universities for the past 28 years.

“Since Sept. 11 I have been preaching with the Bible in one hand and the Koran in another, contrasting the books,” he said. “I think the prevailing thought on college campuses is that Muslim and Christian students worship the same God, and that is not true.”


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