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Thursday, October 25, 2001

Campus Briefs

SGA officers must file for election by Oct. 13

Student Government Association officer candidates have until Oct. 31 to file for an office to run for SGA president or House of Student Representatives vice president.
Programming Council Students will vote in an online election on Nov. 13.

Elections and Regulations committee chairperson John Billingsley held the first informational meeting yesterday and will conduct another Monday, Oct. 29 outlining the election code, which specifies campaign rules and regulations, and informing potential candidates of officer duties and responsibilities.

In order to run for an officer position, a student must have completed 30 or 60 hours with a 2.5 GPA and be a full-time student. Students applying for president do not need to have any past SGA experience.

Positions for parliamentarian, administrative assistant and chaplain are appointed by the new House vice president.

All positions are for a full year, beginning in January.

Dating abuse common form of student violence

WASHINGTON (U-WIRE) —Dating abuse is the most common form of violence on campus today, according to the Feminist Majority Foundation, a group focusing on domestic violence awareness during the month of October.

One in three women are victims of dating abuse, not including cases of sexual abuse according to the foundation. On Oct. 17, the group held a forum at George Washington University to open a dialogue about what they consider to be a vast number of college students who are in abusive relationships.

— The Hatchet


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