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Friday, October 19, 2001

How to carve your pumpkin

  • Cut the top of the pumpkin around the stem, making the hole large enough to
    Bethany McCormack/Skiff Staff
    scoop out the inside of the pumpkin. Cut the lid at an angle so the outside diameter is larger than the inside diameter to prevent the top from falling in.

  • Scoop out the seeds and gunk inside with a large spoon or ice cream scooper. Save the seeds to roast later.

  • Scrape the bottom of the pumpkin flat for a candle to be placed inside later.

  • Draw the design on the pumpkin using a crayon or water-based marker, which can be easily erased with a damp sponge.

  • Cut out facial features starting at the center of the pumpkin, working outward. For large features, cut in sections. When carving, keep a portion of the knife blade in the pumpkin, and use slow, steady strokes.

    — Sources: and

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