October 18, 2001
proposes changes to Moudy atrium
By Kristin Delorantis
Staff Reporter
The House
of Student Representatives Permanent Improvements committee
presented Vice Chancellor Don Mills Wednesday with plans to
remodel the Moudy atrium, asking the university administration
to provide $13,000.
Chairperson Chelsea Hudson said the plans to renovate the
area between Moudy Building North and Moudy Building South
include removing all unnecessary shrubbery, leaving the three
trees and foliage and adding stepping stones, five benches
and rose bushes to create a sitting area for students.
The committee
is motivated by safety concerns to renovate the atrium, Hudson
She said
the tall, dense bushes in the atrium could be a danger to
students if a predator wanted to hide there.
The proposed
changes would cost $26,000. The committee plans to use its
budget to fund half of the expenditure if the administration
will provide the difference.
said he supports the committees idea to collaborate
with administration to make the idea a reality.
The mall
area between Sadler Hall and the Student Center was a result
of a similar conjunction, he said.
project) is something the administration is very interested
in supporting because it is something that needs to be taken
care of, Hudson said. It is a safety issue, which
is the foremost problem with it.
Hudson said promoting camaraderie among students is another
incentive.Any place where students can sit and join
is great, she said.
said he will show the presentation to Chancellor Michael Ferrari
and have a response for the committee on Monday.
The committees
plans also include planting 20-foot live oak trees to replace
two trees in front of Foster Hall and one tree in front of
Moncrief Hall that were torn down.
The total
cost for the replacement of the trees in front of Foster and
Moncrief is $2,400. Residential Services has offered to pay
$1,400 of the expenses. The Permanent Improvements committee
must fund the remaining $1,000, which was included in the
$13,000 funds request to administration.
said the committees goal is to break ground on the project
this semester but weather might delay the process.
said she will present a bill at Tuesdays meeting to
initiate the project even if the administration denies the
funding request.
Kristin Delorantis