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Wednesday, October 17, 2001

College Briefs
Idle funds directed to other committees
The House of Student Representatives passed a bill Tuesday allocating $400 in idle funds from last year’s Commuter Concerns committee to other areas of the House.

The temporary Dining Services committee will receive $100 of the budget, $100 will be allotted to the House chaplain for to purchase awards for Representative of the Week and $200 will be added to the officer fund to update and improve the Web site.


Two Aggies killed in car crash Sunday
COLLEGE STATION (U-WIRE) — The driver of a Toyota SUV that crashed into a tree early Sunday morning fell asleep at the wheel, a Department of Public Safety official said.

The crash killed the vehicle’s two passengers, both students at Texas A&M University and pledges in Delta Tau Delta fraternity.

Jonathan Steed, a sophomore political science major, fell asleep at the wheel of his vehicle three miles north of Giddings, Texas, on U.S. Highway 77. The SUV veered off the road to the right and struck a tree head on, said DPS Trooper Bruce Opperman.

Passengers Antonio Torres II, 18, a freshman business administration major from Mission, Texas, and 20-year-old Xavier Monge Ortega, a freshman agricultural economics major from Guayaquil, Ecuador, were killed. Steed, from Amarillo, Texas, was transported to Brackenridge Hospital in Austin for treatment of minor injuries and released.

There was no evidence of alcohol in the driver, and Torres and Monge Ortega were not tested, Opperman said. Torres and Monge Ortega were not wearing seatbelts, he said.

— The Battalion


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