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Wednesday, September 5, 2001
TCU Daily Skiff

Visitation hours extensions yet to succeed in halls
By Aaron Chimbel
Staff Reporter

Residence hall visitation hours can be revised on a per hall basis, but no hall was successful in changing hours last semester. This semester Student Government Association Parliamentarian and Clark Hall resident Chris Mattingly said he was interested in changing visitation policy in Clark.

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Drain adds parking, increases field space
By Sam Eaton
Staff Reporter
A new storm drain being built west of the intramural fields on Bellaire Drive will provide additional Worth Hills parking, as well as more field

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Today in history

1997 — Mother Teresa, 1979 Nobel Peace Prize recipient, died of a heart attack at her Missionaries of Charity headquarters in Calcutta, India.

MTV awards should prove entertaining, spicy
By David Reese
Skiff Staff

Over the past 20 years, MTV has been creating some of the most innovative, provocative and controversial programming on television. MTV’s own annual awards show, known as the Video Music Awards, has been an outlet for the channel and the artists to express themselves through performances,
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New Growth
Focus should be prestige, not size

The time has come for the admissions board to cap enrollment.
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Campus Briefs

Mascot’s debut delayed by costume company
The new SuperFrog costume was delayed Saturday because the costume did not arrive from Canada, said Jeff Tucker, TCU head cheerleading coach.
Tucker said the costume will be ready for the Saturday football game at SMU.

A new perspective
Mondrian exhibit bound to change prior perceptions of modern art
Story by Eric Elton
Skiff Staff

Simple squares and rectangles colored differently with lines placed at spontaneous places, all together hold no worthwhile meaning: This is the fundamental definition of abstract art to most people.
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Music review
Buddy Guy: Sweet Tea
By Alan Tolleson
Skiff Staff

Blues musicians have a decisive edge over other artists — the older and more haggard they become, the more believable their vocals seem. They don’t go out of style, because they were never in style.
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The TCU Daily Skiff © 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001
