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Friday, August 31, 2001

Deanship candidate interviewed, may visit

One candidate for the College of Communications deanship was recommended Wednesday to Provost William Koehler for consideration.

Chairman of the search committee Bill Ryan said a candidate familiar with the three departments in the college — journalism, radio-TV-film and speech communication — was interviewed by the committee Wednesday. He said the candidate has experience with both public and private institutions and has served at an administrative level.

“We’re optimistic,” Ryan said. “We’re very impressed with this individual.”

Koehler said the candidate, who is male, will likely visit the campus for a two-day visit within two weeks. The candidate’s name and other information will be released
once a visit is confirmed.

Koehler also said Interim Dean David Whillock, who is on medical leave recovering from surgery, is expected to start working half days soon. Whillock’s role in the
college once a permanent dean is hired has not been determined.


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