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Thursday, August 23, 2001

Experienced roommate offers tips for survival
Eating insects is the not preferred ice-breaking method
by Elise Rambaud
associate campus news editor

As new students begin the journey of self-discovery called residence hall life, they will undoubtedly learn a thing or two about themselves and the personal habits of others.
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Spruce up your space
by Emily Ward
skiff staff

Whether looking for the basic room essentials or searching for those perfect matching curtains, decorating a room or apartment is a battle all students must conquer when moving away to college. Designing a room just right for you, however, need not be difficult or expensive. With the right touch and a little advice from other students, this task can prove to be quite simple.
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Communication with roommate key to privacy
By Jacqueline Petersell
staff reporter

Incoming freshmen have more to deal with in adjusting to college life than learning what part of campus their classes are in. They must also learn to deal with living with a roommate and the loss of something they treasured at home — their privacy.
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TCU Frogs … This is your home
Community, campus leaders encourage involvement
Story By Angie Chang • Photos by Erin Munger

As you begin to accumulate all things purple this fall, it’s easy to get pulled into the “TCU Bubble.” For students on campus everything will seem to be a skip and a leap away, and, when classes begin, a maelstrom of class work will keep students from ever thinking of traversing out of campus perimeters.
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