TCU Daily Skiff Masthead
Friday, November 21, 2003
news campus opinion sports features
Insurance costs set to increase

For the past seven years, Andrea Heitz has worn an insulin pump to give her insulin 24 hours a day instead of giving herself shots.

“I cannot tell you how much healthier I am on the pump instead of the shots,” said Heitz, a researcher in advancement.
Retreat awakens faith

Students from every denomination on campus are coming together this weekend to grow in their own faith and beliefs, said Nick Breaux, a senior international marketing major.
So close

TCU students found some unusual places to watch the Frogs take on Southern Mississippi in a roller coaster ride of a game.

Some students and alumni headed to Ridglea Theater to watch the game. Other students opted to stay on campus and watch the game outside the Tom Brown-Pete Wright Residential Community.

Frog fans

Ty Halasz/Staff Photographer
Senior education major Steve Witt anxiously watches the football game on a projection screen Thursday night at the Tom Brown-Pete Wright Residential Community.
Business school focuses on ethics

The M. J. Neeley School of Business is focusing more on preparing students for life after college by modernizing curriculum, said Bill Moncrief, associate dean of the business school.
Young, local band to release CD

At an average age of 18, the members of Brant, a local band, are already preparing for their CD debut party.

TCU Daily Skiff © 2003

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