TCU Daily Skiff Masthead
Friday, November 14, 2003
news campus opinion sports features

Violinist visitse
Renowned musician performs with TCU String Orchestra
By Blair Busch
Staff Reporter

A concert violinist made his third trip to the United States from Italy to perform with the TCU String Orchestra Wednesday and Thursday.

Alberto Martini was invited to campus by music director German Gutierrez, who visited the Conservatory of Trento in Italy, where Martini teaches.

Martini has played the violin for 30 years and studied at the Conservatory of Verona. As a concert performer, Martini is a regular guest in France, Germany, Spain, England, Japan, China and South Korea.

“It’s healthy for the students to interact with different musical backgrounds,” Gutierrez said. “It goes along with the school’s mission statement to educate global citizens.”

Gutierrez, who was invited to conduct at an opera festival in Italy, took 16 students and three faculty members with him to receive instruction from Martini.

Martini sat in on classes this week and said he was happy to have the opportunity to visit the school.

“I’m happy to meet the string faculty,” Martini said through a translator. “They are fantastic musicians and fantastic people, and I am having a great experience at TCU.”

Martini said he learned many things during the trip.

“I learned how programs in university work and the organization of the music instruction,” Martini said.

Lindsey Stortz, a first year graduate student in cello performance, said Martini played with her in the string quintet.

“It was a wonderful experience for all of us,” Stortz said. “It was a different experience for all of us, to play with a soloist who was conducting a concerto while playing at the same time.”

Stortz said Martini is a wonderful player and the department was lucky to have him visit the campus.

Martini said he was excited to hear a student orchestra play so well and that he met so many good musicians this week.

“The experience is important for students to learn something different and have exchanges with another culture,” Martini said.


Stephen Spillman/Photo Editor
Alberto Martini performs the “Concerto in A major D. 96” by Tartini Thursday night at the Orchestra Hall in Fort Worth. Martini was invited by music director German Gutierrez to teach TCU students.

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