director visits TCU
By Robyn Kriel
Staff Reporter
TCU London Centre Director Lisa Thompson left her life
of double-decker buses, museums and pigeons for one
week to return to American soil and reunite with students
and faculty.
We are delighted to have Lisa visiting us,
said Director of International Education Luis Canales
at Thompsons reception in Sadler Hall Thursday.
We are so pleased with her performance at our
center in London. She is a pleasure to work with.
The TCU London Center is a study abroad opportunity
offering courses in the spring, fall and summer semesters.
Thompson has been with the program since it began in
London is home to me now, Thompson said.
I am back this week to be part of the orientation
for the spring students, to spend time with my colleagues
and ex-students and friends and to talk about possible
expansion programs.
The center offers courses in theater, history, media,
English literature, political science, journalism, nursing,
leadership, art and British studies.
It is the flagship of our study abroad programs,
and Lisa plays a key role in it, Canales said.
As well as teaching art classes during the spring semester,
Thompson coordinates the other faculty members, organizes
housing, acts as the liaison between TCU and the center
and a surrogate mother for the students who visit the
center, Canales said.
Thompson said she coordinates details from the London
side for students, and her colleague Susan Layne, the
London director based at TCU, handles details from the
American side.
Layne, who joined the program at the same time as Thompson,
said the two of them have to work closely together and
have developed a strong friendship.
We keep in touch every day through e-mails and
phone calls, she said. Lisa makes incredible
connections with the students over there; that is why
there is such a good turn out here at her reception.
Canales said about 40 students go to London every semester
and about 100 go every summer.
I think that students are realizing just how important
it is to have some sort of international background
and cross-cultural skill, he said. It gives
students such self-confidence and they begin to know
themselves so much better.
Thompson said about 30 former students came to see her
at the reception.
Julie Westerman, a senior sociology major who came to
the reception, said it was lovely to see Lisa again.
Westerman said she attended the London Centre in fall
London was crazy and wild and fun, she said.
But still very educational.
Patrick Thompson, a senior political science major,
said his London experience was incredible and that everyone
who went on the trip formed solid friendships.
I am totally different as a result, he said.
I have a much deeper perspective, not only of
other cultures but of my own.

Russell/Staff Photographer
Thompson, director of the TCU London Centre, was
in Fort Worth this week to meet with students
interested in studying abroad.