for lot underway
Student reactions to development
plans mixed
By Meghan Youker
Staff Reporter
Engineering work for the proposed apartment and retail
complex near Perrottis Pizza is underway.
Phoenix Property Co. is working to be sure the planned
buildings infrastructure will match the citys
ongoing work along Berry Street, said Don Mills, vice
chancellor for student affairs. As the city redevelops
the street, it has also been modifying access to plumbing
and other utilities, he said.
It is important that any changes in the citys
plans to accommodate the development be made now,
Mills said.
After the engineering work is completed, developers
will turn to design concerns, Mills said.
Developers from Phoenix Property Co. will meet with
students to see what type of apartments they want in
mid- to late November, Mills said. So far, student reaction
to the proposal has been mixed.
Freshman Robert Rice said the proposed apartments would
be a place he would like to live.
It would be like living on campus but not living
on campus, said Rice, a business major. Location
is huge.
Junior Cameron Self said the proposed location is ideal
for students.
They would be far enough away from main campus
to be separate but still close enough for the conveniences
of on-campus living, said Self, an electrical
engineering major.
Although the apartments sound exciting, Self said he
thinks the apartments will more than likely be too expensive
and exclusive for many students.
Jason Runnels, executive vice president of Phoenix Property
Co., said in an Oct. 17 Skiff article that rent could
range from about $500 a month to $800 a month, per person.
Other students worry about increased parking difficulties.
Richard Bryan, associate director of operations of the
physical plant, said the planned development area now
provides 307 parking spaces for commuters. In an Oct.
17 Skiff article, Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration
Carol Campbell said the proposed development would include
about 600 parking spaces.
Self, a commuter student, said he wants to know where
he will park when construction begins.
Senior education major Vanessa Castagnet said the development
will probably not help the parking situation because
the new spaces will be taken up by the people who live
Im sure the building will help the situation
a small fraction, Castagnet said. But I
dont think it will solve an even larger problem.

Halasz/Staff Photographer
are working on engineering details for the commuter
parking lot near Perrottis Pizza. The lot
is between Berry Street and West Bowie Street.