shadows chancellor
By Blair Busch
Staff Reporter
Most people only have one shadow. But for this school
year, Chancellor Victor Boschini has two. His second
shadow is in the form of Richard Duran, a French professor
from Baylor University.
Hes here to learn what I do, and later on,
he will try to find a job as an administrator somewhere
else, Boschini said.
Duran is serving an American Council on Education Fellowship
that began Aug. 1. The ACE Fellows program assigns a
senior faculty member from one school to follow around
a president or chancellor from another school for a
full academic term. The participant can go back to their
home school and become an administrator there after
their fellowship.
Duran goes wherever the chancellor goes and observes
all of his daily activities. He sits in on all of Boschinis
meetings, trips and dinners.
It has impressed me how much time that his job
takes and how much the chancellor is always on stage,
Duran said. Hes doing everything from dealing
with students, professors and administrators to the
maintenance personnel.
Boschini said the program is beneficial for both of
I think that I get more out of the program than
what he gets, and hes the one who is supposed
to be getting more out of it, Boschini said. Its
just wonderful for me to have someone to talk to who
can process what I am doing.
The ACE likes to get a president or a chancellor in
their first year to do the program, because the fellow
will see the type of things he will encounter during
his first year as an administrator, Boschini said.
If Baylor is smart, they wont lose him,
Boschini said.
Duran said there are three areas he wants to focus on
when he returns to Baylor: international programs, an
honors program and more diversity.
There are so many different aspects to a university,
Duran said. One cant be an expert in all
of them, and ... I have chosen those three to be my
main interests, because I have somewhat of a background
in them.
Senior Associate Dean of Business William Moncrief participated
in the ACE Fellows program during the 1998-99 school
year, when he followed Tulane University President Scott
The main thing I did was listen and watch leadership
styles, Moncrief said. It was a very different
view of the way a university is operated.
Boschini said he had a fellow shadow him during his
first year at Illinois State and that he was happy to
do the program again.
It was a great experience then, and it is a great
experience now, Boschini said. Hes
a lot smarter than I am, and he sees things differently
than from what I do.

Halasz/Staff Photographer
University French professor Richard Duran
is shadowing Chancellor Victor Boschini
this school year. |