portal opens up for TCU
Carmen Castro
Staff Reporter
TCU unveiled an expanded version of, a new
web portal, to replace Frognet and other student Internet
services Monday. will now be the central web portal linking
students to personal, class enrollment, housing and
roommate information, as well as financial aid and academics
Staff members from TCU informational services and the
human resources department gave demonstrations
to students, faculty and staff Tuesday.
Frognet, the student class registration Web site, no
longer exists as of Tuesday, said Mike Ten Eyck, an
Information Services administrative systems manager.
Ten Eyck said the demonstrations were geared more for
the faculty and staff since students appear to be more
up-to-date with todays technology.
The employee self-service link will now offer faculty
and staff a central link to their personal and emergency
contact information, as well as payroll information.
Darrel Littleberry, a human resources assistant administrator,
said facultys reactions to the demonstration sessions
were positive.
Human Resources Specialist Jenny Dick made the staff
in attendance laugh when she said Jennifer Lopez, hypothetically,
was now a part of the TCU community, after using Lopezs
name as the personal profile example for the presentation.
Kay Edmonson, an interlibrary loan assistant, said the
new portal looks easy to use.
Weve got a similar Web-based system over
in the library, Edmonson said, so its
probably easier for us.
Brandi Giles, a junior speech communication major, said
she was excited about the systems added features.
I like the fact that everything is on one page,
Giles said.
People who attended Tuesdays demonstrations had
a chance to win prizes, such as Jons Grill Restaurant
and Target gift certificates and movie tickets.
Wyatt Goolsby, a freshman radio-TV-film major, said
the demonstration was informative.
They updated a lot of information, including poll
voting Web sites, Goolsby said. With this,
you get it all in one spot. The prizes were a good incentive.
Voting for Mr. and Ms. TCU and student body elections
will now be available on works with all the latest Internet Explorer
web browsers, 5.5 or 6, Ten Eyck said. Netscape users
need a 6 or newer version, Ten Eyck said. Software upgrades
can be downloaded online at, he said.

Casey/Associate Managing Editor
Harmon demonstrates how works to students
in the Student Center Wednesday.