TCU Daily Skiff Masthead
Wednesday, October 15, 2003
news campus opinion sports features

Dunn named interim coach

Interim cornerbacks football coach, Kasey Dunn, will temporarily replace suspended coach Willie Mack Garza, head coach Gary Patterson said Tuesday.

Dunn was hired last week to fill Garza’s shoes and joins a staff he is familiar with, Patterson said.

SGA officer steps down

Student Government Association Parliamentarian Blake Eason announced at Tuesday night’s meeting he will step down.
Monkeying around

Students in tree

Stephen Spillman/Photo Editor
Interim cornerbacks coach Casey Dunn directs Larry Bradford, a junior defensive back, Tuesday afternoon during practice.
Student-run play to debut
Curtain set to rise on ‘Talk Radio’ today

“Talk Radio,” a play about a controversial radio personality, opens today and will run through Friday in the Studio Theatre.
Humor brings new spin to sex education

Let’s talk about sex, baby. Let’s talk about STDs. Let’s talk about all the sex programs that will be.

Dr. Burton W. Schwartz, a physician at the TCU Health Center, said while the TCU sex education programs are presented with some humor, they offer life-saving information.
Speaker issues challenge

Americans today are more acutely aware that the wars of racism and tension stand between more than just the black and white communities, Harold J. Recinos said to an audience of Brite Divinity School students and faculty Tuesday night.

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