TCU Daily Skiff Masthead
Tuesday, October 14, 2003
news campus opinion sports features
Club devotes time to children

As a small group of TCU students arrives at the Marine Park apartment complex children rush to let them in so they can immediately start playing with their grown-up playmates.
Fines for illegal parking now more expensive

Shannon Flood said she knows she and other students will have to find another place to park other than the public streets surrounding campus.
The next generation

TCU tour photo

Ty Halasz/Staff Photographer
Sophomore neuroscience major Samantha Forck, a member of the TCU Student Foundation, points out the finer parts of campus to prospective students and their parents Monday afternoon on University Drive.
Web portal to combine many student services

Starting Monday, the campus Web portal ( will combine many services currently provided by FrogNet and TCU Web site links.

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