Letters to the Editor
Writer should not criticize the work of RAs without
knowing what they do
I am writing this letter in response to the editorial
printed in The Skiff Oct. 1, regarding the idea that
hall events could be better. Being a second
year RA myself, I took offense to their words. In addition
to being a student and fellow resident in the hall community
(which is a fact that often gets overlooked), RAs also
have the considerable task of doing their job. The writers
of that editorial assume that knowing our residents
names, writing them up for seemingly inane violations
and creating poorly organized programs is
all we do. In reality, the job entails much more.
The writers would be interested to know that a lot of
work actually goes into planning and implementing programs-meaning
a large time commitment. Also, each month, the Head
RAs vote for program of the month and all-hall
of the month. These are not easy decisions-many
great programs are occurring all over campus? Perhaps
the writers should do a bit more research. RAs are taught
to also look for the specific needs of our residents,
and cater to those needs accordingly. I frequently ask
my residents what programs they would like to see happen.
I dont want to plan things that they dont
want to attend. I find it hard to take criticism for
our programs, mostly because these writers have probably
never been RAs. They could do better to walk a little
in our shoes before criticizing us on items that they
have little knowledge of.
Laura Noneman, junior secondary eduction major and Jarvis
Head RA