TCU Daily Skiff Masthead
Wednesday, September 24, 2003
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SGA swears in 68 new representatives

The Student Government Association saw 68 representatives sworn in at their meeting Tuesday.

Andrea Reed, SGA vice president, said there are now 83 members in SGA. Reed said only one position is not filled, a representative from Delta Tau Delta fraternity.

No new business was brought up in the meeting, but several committee chairs discussed new projects.

Permanent Improvements Chairman David Watson, a sophomore pre-business major, said his committee talked about the possibility of setting up wireless Internet outside the Student Center.

Watson also said more lights need to be placed by the grassy area around the Bayard H. Friedman Tennis Center for late-night runners and by Daniel-Meyer Coliseum to help prevent car break-ins.

University Affairs Chairwoman Jahnae Stout, said her committee wants to add recycling bins in The Main.

— Danny Gillham

SGA meeting

Stephen Spillman/Photo Editor
Dave Watson, SGA permanent improvements chairman, informs representatives of the need for better lighting in the Daniel-Meyer Coliseum parking lot.

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