Pizza Hut to change menu items
By Aaron Kokoruz
Staff Reporter
Pizza Hut is undergoing an image change that will bring
new menu items to campus.
Rick Flores, general manager of Dining Services, said
the new menu items at Pizza Hut will include Pzones,
which are similar to calzones, and cinnamon bread sticks.
There will also be a change to Pizza Huts breakfast
Instead of having the pan crusts on the sandwiches,
theyre now going to have fresh biscuits instead,
Flores said.
Meredith Holbert, a senior Spanish and Latin American
Studies major, said the new menu items are great because
they will be a nice change and bring in more money for
both Pizza Hut and Dining Services.
Pizza Hut opened nine years ago at TCU and has had a
steady flow in sales ever since, Flores said.
We were around 700 [pizzas] when Pizza Hut was
first there but that has slowly leveled off to 500 to
600 pizzas a day, Flores said.
The decline in sales could be contributed to the fact
that now there are 10 places to eat on campus, as opposed
to just five a few years ago, Flores said.
In addition to menu changes and additions, Pizza Hut
will also be installing a newly designed storefront
sign to replace the current one, Flores said.
Flores said these changes will be made soon but no exact
date has been finalized yet.
Pizza Hut is going through a re-imaging process,
said Flores. Pizza Hut is one of the few companies
that will actually change their menu on a regular basis
and a lot of places dont.
Pizza Huts willingness to change and work on new
menu items is crucial to its success at TCU, Flores
The same exact menu will gradually wear itself out and
no longer make any money, he said.
We learned our lesson a few years back with Taco
Bell, Flores said. The menu didnt
change and gradually it leveled and then it really died.
Bryan Baeten, a junior international economics major,
said if Pizza Hut doesnt make any changes to its
menu, it should be replaced because he doesnt
like the pizza, in general, and would like more options.
The amount of time a franchise stays at a particular
college depends on the menu variety and size of the
student body, Flores said.
Smaller schools, such as TCU, can usually only support
one or two brands at a time, Flores said. At TCU, those
are Pizza Hut and Freshens Yogurt, he said.
Pizza Hut can and will survive at TCU for the
coming years, Flores said. Theyre
very active in what they do and the product is good.

Halasz/Staff Photographer
nursing major Lauren Scullion will soon have a
bigger selection from Pizza Hut to choose from
in Frog Bytes.